
Welcome to this new use of the website wetherby.biz

The Covid-19 pandemic has seen the closure of many local businesses and restrictions on people’s movements.

A number of business have responded by offering a takeaway or home delivery service which has been published individually on social media sites such as Twitter and nextdoor.co.uk.

However there isn’t a central point online where you can check out all the options available in the Wetherby area – until now!

This website offers local businesses the opportunity to publicise their takeaway and home delivery services and local residents the opportunity to use these services:-

Look for a takeaway or home delivery service

Add details of your takeaway or home delivery service



Online sales and e-commerce

Three recent news reports provide insights into what’s happening to businesses during lockdown. First, #Asda have announced major changes to their supermarket operation indicating an even greater shift towards online sales. They announced that they hadn’t expected to reach their present level of online sales for another nine, yes nine years. Then chocolate maker #Thorntons announced they would …


Why don’t we get together for a virtual coffee and discuss how wetherbyweb and wetherby.biz can help you achieve your business success.